Buyers Agent FeesFlorida Buyer Broker Mistakes Buyer Make



1. One of the biggest mistakes buyers make is to call the sellers agent directly! The sellers agent and builder’s representatives tell the Seller and the builder everything they know about you!

Those buyers may end up buying toxic Chinese drywall, mold, foreclosures with title issues or inadvertently participating in short sale fraud. 

2. THERE WAS $61.3 BILLION IN REAL ESTATE FRAUD IN 2023.  Florida real estate buyers lose money via intricate internet scams in which real estate agents may also be involved.  Buying a property site unseen could also mean your deposit money is going someplace it will never be seen again!


Most buyers don’t know they can obtain the help of a buyer broker when they buy a home or property.  Seller’s, their listing agents and builders of new developments with new homes and condos will compensate a buyer broker who is helping buyers with their home purchase.  

4. BUYERS DO NOT KNOW Florida Buyer Broker HAS AN OUTSTANDING REPUTATION.  Buyers benefit from the prestige and high standard of services Florida Buyer Broker is known to deliver to buyers.  Other agents are confident when they know the buyer’s side of the transaction is professionally guide by Florida Buyer Broker, Beverly Howe.  


Buyers do not know the licensee they first contact is working as a Transaction Broker who does NOT represent them.  No written disclosure is required when the associate does NOT represent the buyer.  When a real estate agency is going to represent the buyer only, this is known as Single Agency.  Single Agency relationships require the buyer broker and their buyer agents to provide written disclosure and  Fiduciary Duties to the buyer and not the seller.  

The transaction broker has almost no liability in the transaction. 

A Single Agent Notice, a written DISCLOSURE (not a contract) is required to be provided before the buyer broker shows property or has their first meeting with the buyer. Transaction Associates are not required to make ANY disclosure to buyers or sellers. Finding out your agent doesn’t represent you at that point is like finding out there is no Santa Claus! 

6. ANY AGENT CAN SAY THEY ARE A BUYERS AGENT WHO IS ALSO A TRANSACTION ASSOCIATE WHO DOES NOT REPRESENT THE BUYER EXCLUSIVELY. They may even be a Accredited Buyer’s Representative. Most Accredited Buyer’s Representatives  also list sellers property for sale.  A buyers agent can change to a transaction associate when you become interested in one of their listings or any of their offices listings.  Then they no longer can represent you.  Only a Single Agency buyer broker, which does not list homes for sale, like  Florida Buyer Broker assures the buyer they will obtain full confidentiality, undivided loyalty and representation through out their real estate purchase.

7.  THE SELLERS AGENT MUST TELL THE SELLER EVERYTHING THEY KNOW ABOUT YOU, THE BUYER.  Buyers don’t realize everything they say about their financial ability, motivation to buy or other confidential information, will be told to the seller by the sellers listing agent who is NOT required to disclose to the buyer that they do not represent the buyer.  The sellers agent can represent the seller only as a Single Agent or Transaction Broker who does not represent the buyer or the seller exclusively.  Either way the sellers agent never owes the buyer confidentiality or undivided loyalty like the Single Agency buyer broker. 

8.  IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA, ONLY A BUYER BROKER OR BUYERS AGENT CAN LEGALLY NEGOTIATE FOR THE LOWEST PRICE FOR THE BUYER.  The  buyer broker must take care of the buyer’s best interest throughout the buying process.  This includes keeping the buyer’s financial information and motivation to buy confidential.  The  buyer broker and  buyers agent have genuine liability in the real estate purchase transaction.  They will be more diligent when protecting the buyers best interest in the real estate sale. The  transaction broker has very limited liability.


THE BUILDER’S AGENT NEVER REPRESENTS THE BUYER.  All builders have a real estate commission included in the price of their properties which compensates a buyer broker.  In Florida, builders do not sell a property for less if the buyers do not use the services of a buyer broker. Builders rely on real estate agents to bring them buyers.  And they need their properties to appraise consistently.  All builder contracts say, you cannot rely upon the verbal representations made by their agents or representatives. 

Builders contracts may have 70 to 100 or more pages. 

Beverly Howe, Florida Buyer Broker, knows what questions to ask and what clauses to look for when accompanying the buyer to the builder or new development.  With new construction the buyer usually does not get time or an opportunity for an attorney review until after they sign the legally binding contract.  Builder’s contracts are written to, by and for the builder’s best interest and can not be changed.  An attorney review does not change your legal obligation to purchase the new property or assure you of any return of your deposit once you have signed the contract. 

Not understanding what you are signing before you purchase a new property or if an important clause in the contract is overlooked in the explanation by the builders representative,  could be costly to the new home or condominium buyer.

When lot selections are limited the builders agent will pressure the buyer, or suggest pricing changes are pending or incentives are expiring.  They are not lying. Florida Buyer Broker helps the buyer make a quick purchase decision based upon the high level of trust and market expertise.

10. MANY BUYERS GIVE UP THEIR RIGHT TO WORK WITH A BUYERS BROKER  when they go to the builder without an their buyer broker on their initial visit.  Builders have different policies and time limits which will allow you to bring a broker or to go back with a different broker after a period of time.  Florida Buyer Broker accompanies the buyers on all visits to the builder to help the buyer make their best buying decision.


A written buyer broker agreement does not mean the associate is going to represent the buyers exclusively.  

It is the Single Agent Notice, which obligates the buyer broker to exclusively represent the buyer, not the Buyer Broker Agreement.

The Buyer Broker Agreement must include the Single Agent Notice in order for the buyer to be exclusively represented.  The broker may at the same time include a  Transaction Broker disclosure.  This gives the broker the right to  switch to a Transaction Broker and therefore, no longer represent the buyer exclusively.  

A Buyer Broker Contract sets a specific period of time the buyer must to commit to seeking a property with the broker.    The buyer broker commission amount is agreed upon between the buyer and the buyer broker. The commission may be collected through the cooperating commission from the listing agent, seller or builder.

Sellers listing office may have administrative fees to be paid by the buyer at closing.  Those fees must be disclosed to the buyer prior to showing a propertyFlorida Buyer Broker does not require retainer fees.

12.  AUCTIONS USUALLY INCLUDE COMMISSIONS WHETHER THE BUYER WORKS WITH A BUYER BROKER OR NOT.  Auctions are a marketing strategy used to sell the most undesirable properties. Usually a property which could not be sold otherwise.  It is a great way to sell a property with toxic Chinese Drywall.  Most buyers are not aware of the extent of the Chinese drywall problem in the US.  Auction properties typically include an additional percentage or fees to be paid on top of the winning bid price by the buyer.  Sellers agents recommend the sellers auction their property as a marketing strategy.  There is usually a commission for real estate agents built into the auction sale.  Occasionally, the buyer may need to pay for a title search and home inspection before the auction. 

13.  SOME AGENTS ONLY SHOW THEIR OWN LISTINGS. Florida Buyer Broker does not list seller’s homes for sale, you will be shown all the best properties which meet your criteria. There is no ulterior motive to sell you any particular listing.  All properties are shown objectively.  Florida Buyer Broker commits quality time to helping buyer clients make the best real estate decisions with confidence.  Florida Buyer Brokers business is built on happy buyer relationships.

14.  BUYERS JUST “SHOW UP” AT A REAL ESTATE OFFICE and don’t realize it can take 24 hours or more to make appointments to show properties. Time is required for an  Florida Buyer Broker to research the best real estate options for each buyer and to gain access for showings.

15. Another of the big mistakes buyers make is to get a PRE-APPROVAL and not a PRE-QUALIFICATION.

Buyers need a pre-approval letter or financial statement to be submitted with the buyer’s offer. There are strategies to keep the buyers financial ability confidential and still meet the seller’s agents request for financial disclosure.  Many buyers making a loan applications on the internet with inexperienced mortgage brokers is the reason why seller’s agents will no longer accept just any pre-qualification letter. 

Many foreclosure banks require a pre-qualification by their selected mortgage broker before they will allow an offer to be submitted for consideration.  Your transaction will go quicker and more smoothly when using a bank or a lending agency located in Florida.   If you work with a big financial institution ask for a local referral in Florida.

16.  BUYERS RENT FOR MONTHS OR A YEAR BEFORE PURCHASING.  In this rapidly changing market, renting it could make a difference of tens of thousands of dollars in the purchase price.  Florida Buyer Broker helps buyer clients find the best properties in  the best location for the best price and terms.  You will have enough information and confidence to make a timely decision to purchase.  Florida Buyer Broker will help you make a smooth transition from the sale of one home into another.  This will save the you the cost and effort of two moves and the expense of a long rental period before you buy.

17.  MANY CONSUMERS DO NOT KNOW WHAT THE TERM SHORT SALE MEANS.  There is more information on this topic and Short Sale Fraud on the menu bar of this homepage.  Most often a buyer is lured into a short sale transaction by the very low price of a property.  Most short sales become no sales after 9 to 10 months and many end up in a two year foreclosure process in Florida.  There is a considerable about of Short Sale fraud by sellers and real estate agents  cheating the banks out of equity via a relative or friend buying and flipping to an unsuspecting buyer. 

18.  BUYERS MAY NOT KNOW THAT BANKS LIST THEIR REO (FORECLOSURE) PROPERTIES WITH REAL ESTATE AGENTS.  All  brokers and agents have access to the same listings of foreclosure information.  Agents who advertise List of Foreclosures do not necessarily have special relationship with the foreclosure banks.  See the links on my homepage Foreclosures for more details on these types of properties.

19.  THE MISCONCEPTION THAT A FOR SALE BY OWNER PROPERTY MUST BE A BETTER IS NOT ALWAYS TRUE IN FLORIDA.  Often, these sellers are asking more than market value for their property or they may be involved in fraudulent bait and switch scams.  If  properties are advertised on the internet as for rent or for sale by owners with low prices, they may be re-posted by scammer.  Truly motivated sellers have their property listed with an agent where it will get the most exposure.  There are more and more con artist posing as owners and taking large deposits from buyers on homes, vacation rentals and vacant lots then disappearing.  Beware on any transaction which is to be completed entirely via the internet or seems to good to be true or if you find the same property listed by a real estate agent at a higher price on the internet.  Today the State of Florida’s biggest problem with real estate fraud is unlicensed real estate activity. Some international individuals are claiming to be licensed agents under the guise of a partnership in an LLC, which does not give them the legal right to sell or rent real estate which belongs to others.  Internet real estate bait and switch scams seem to be coming into their glory days!  FYI these scammers are completely out of the jurisdiction of local authorities to do anything to try to help you get your money back!

20.  FORECLOSURESanother of the mistakes buyers make is to assume foreclosure properties are good deals.  Most have a lot of problems with non-disclosed defects.  They have bidding contingencies for all parties not just 2nd homeowners and investors.  There maybe title issues because of mishandling of the foreclosure process by the attorneys and banks.  Most Florida foreclosure processing takes 2 years to get thru the system.  In 2010 there were so many  Florida foreclosure proceedings they were called rocket dockets, because of the lack of consideration to homeowners by judges at their slam dunk foreclosure hearings.   A few Florida homeowners have actually got their properties back after they had been completely foreclosed upon.

21.  SOME BUYERS’ THINK THEY CAN OBTAIN ALL THE INFORMATION THEY NEED VIA THE INTERNET AND THE SELLER’S AGENT.  Florida Buyer Broker works closely with buyers prior to their arrival to search for property.  Buyers have access to the many databases  to view properties.  Many will study the tax information, seller’s court house records, and community fees in detail for months prior to their arrival.   Some buyers prepare excel sheet to compare properties.  They will send an agenda of homes they want to view on their visit.  Florida Buyer Broker researches properties based upon decades of  professional experience in the Florida real estate market. 

The preliminary phone calls and consultations we have to determine your wants and needs are very important.  Buyers often find the homes THEY selected on the internet are not what they expected once they arrive.    Florida Buyer Broker will work diligently to find you the home,  condominium or property you desire and negotiate for the best price and terms for you.  Advanced scheduling is recommended to obtain Florida Buyer Broker  services.

“The most important thing a buyer can do is first of all work with a buyer broker.”

As stated by AARP and the Consumer Federation of America in REALTOR® NEWS

Florida Buyer Broker is licensed to sell real estate in  Florida, USA.

There is NEVER a conflict of interest between the buyer and the seller when the buyer chooses to work with Florida Buyer Broker.  A single agency buyers ONLY real estate office, serving buyers with integrity, loyalty, honesty, skill and expertise. 

Beverly Howe, buyer broker relationship with buyers is always Single Agency representing buyer’s only.  Her buyer clients receive undivided loyalty throughout the real estate transaction.  See Fiduciary Duties required by Florida Law and Brokerage Relationships , Buyer Agent Disclosure for more information.

Click here for More Information about  Beverly Howe

Beverly Howe, Buyer Broker/Owner, Florida Buyer Broker has an outstanding reputation cooperating with other agents and brokers Florida.

Sellers listing agents  have confidence in buyers who obtain the professional services of  Florida Buyer Broker.

When you are considering making one of the largest investments of your life… call Beverly Howe first! 1-800-283-7393 or 1-239-601-2013

Call NOW to start your buyer consultations.  If no answer leave message with the best time and day to call you. 

  Toll Free:  1-800-283-7393 US & Canada
Best Local Direct: 1-239-601-2013 

 At Your Service . . . Florida Buyer Broker

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