Buyers Agent FeesFlorida Buyer Broker  Short Sale

#1 Mistake buyers make is to assume the sellers listing agent is also their buyers agent!

Buyers assume the person they contact about a property in Florida will represent them as their buyers agent.   Some sellers agents tell the buyers they will be their buyers agent then switch to a transaction associate.  The transaction associate does not represent the buyer or the seller exclusively.

Only a buyer broker or buyers agent can represent buyers exclusively in Florida. 

The buyer broker or  buyers agent must give the buyer a Single Agent Notice.  Only after this disclosure is made to the buyer in writing will the buyer be represented by the licensee. 

When no disclosure is made Florida law assumes the licensee will be a transaction associate.  Transaction associates do not represent the buyer or the seller exclusively.

Transaction Brokers and their associates can NEVER give the buyers undivided loyalty or confidentiality.

The buyers agent must give the buyers  9 fiduciary duties required by FL Statutes 457.278 for buyer brokers.

Buyer agents have liability in the real estate sale. 

Many large offices do not allow their associates to be buyer agents.   Large offices do not want the liability that goes with allowing their agents to work as buyer agents.  Transaction Brokers have limited liability. A Transaction broker and their associates never represent the buyers best interest exclusively. 

Because the buyer broker has liability in the real estate sale, they will be more diligent when working for the buyers best interest. 

The buyers agent is know as a Single Agent. 

In Florida a broker who represents the buyer OR the seller exclusively is called a  Single Agent.  A single agent can represent the buyer or the seller, but never both in the same transaction. 

The buyer broker or sellers broker must give the buyer or seller the Single Agent Notice, a  written disclosure.  They will only represent one side of the real estate sale, the buyer or the seller. 

Click here to view the Single Agent Notice   form.  It is also available on the menu bar of this website.  The disclosure states the 9 Fiduciary Duties owed to  buyers by Florida Buyer Broker .  They are listed below.

Florida Buyer Broker’s  brokerage relationship is always Single Agency.  Our buyer clients receive undivided loyalty throughout the real estate purchase. 

Florida Buyer Broker counts on the quality of our service, expertise, integrity and experience to retain our buyer client loyalty.

A Buyer Broker Agreement obligates the buyers to pay the broker any balance of commission the buyer broker does not receive from the shared commission offered by the seller’s agent to the buyer broker.  Commissions are ALWAYS negotiable, right to the actual day of closing. 

The seller and their listing agent decide on a percentage or amount to be offered as  commission to buyer agents.  

Builders and developers also pay the buyers agent commission.

When a buyer enters a contract for a new property, there is a place on the contract which states the buyer broker commission. 

Foreclosures, auctions and REO (real estate owned by banks) also offer to compensate buyer brokers for helping the buyers with their purchase.

Florida Buyer Broker  obtains the commission from the seller, the sellers agents, builders and developers to buyer brokers. 

Only a buyer broker who does not also list properties for sale, like Florida Buyer Broker  can assure the buyer they will negotiate for the lowest price and best terms for the buyer. The Florida Buyer Broker must keep the buyers financial status and motivation confidential.

Sellers agents and brokers are confident when they know the buyers are professionally guided by the high standard of services provide by Beverly Howe, Owner/Buyer Broker for Florida Buyer Broker.

When you choose Florida Buyer Broker to assist you with your home or condominium property purchase, you will arrive at your decision based upon precise information and accurate answers to your questions.  Your real estate purchase transaction will be as smooth and worry free as possible.

These are the 9 Fiduciary Duties Florida buyers agent must provide to buyers as Single Agents.

Skill Care and Diligence: A buyers agent is required to perform with a higher standard of care concerning the buyer/client.  

Obedience:A buyers agent  is obligated to obey promptly and efficiently all lawful instructions on behalf of the buyer/client.
Loyalty: A buyers agent is obligated to act at all times solely in the best interest of the buyer/client, to the exclusion of all other interest including his/her own.
Dealing honestly and fairly.
Full Disclosure: All facts about the property and seller, pertaining to the buyers decision to purchase property, must be disclosed.
Accounting: A buyers agent must account for all entrusted funds.
Confidentiality: A buyers agent must withhold the financial status of the buyer from the seller and his agent, unless directed otherwise by the buyer.
Reasonable Care and Diligence: A buyers agent is required to perform with a higher standard of care concerning the buyer/client.   
Disclosing all know facts that materially affect the value of the residential real property which are not readily observable.

Main Homepage: https://floridabuyerbroker.com

“The most important thing a buyer can do is first of all work with a buyer broker.”

As stated by AARP and the Consumer Federation of America in REALTOR® NEWS

Florida Buyer Broker is licensed to sell real estate in  Florida, USA.

There is NEVER a conflict of interest between the buyer and the seller when the buyer chooses to work with Florida Buyer Broker. 

Beverly Howe, buyer broker relationship with buyers is always Single Agency representing buyer’s only.  Her buyer clients receive undivided loyalty, honesty, skill and expertise throughout the real estate sales process. 

See Fiduciary Duties required by Florida Law and Brokerage Relationships Single Agent Notice for more information.

Click here for More Information about  Beverly Howe

Beverly Howe, Buyer Broker/Owner, Florida Buyer Broker has an outstanding reputation cooperating with other agents and brokers

Florida. Sellers and their listing agents  have confidence in buyers who obtain the professional services of  Florida Buyer Broker.

When you are considering making one of the largest investments of your life… call Beverly Howe first! 1-800-283-7393

Beverly Howe Owner-Florida Buyer Broker loves to talk about real estate with buyers. Call NOW to start your buyer consultations and get the buyers advantage.    

  Toll Free:  1-800-283-7393 Days, Evenings and Weekends

 At Your Service . . . Florida Buyer Broker

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 Florida Buyer Broker  is a registered Trademark in the State of Florida. All copyrights reserved.

